Zero Connect Cares is hosting a 5k Color Run/Walk at Albia Golf & Leisure! All proceeds go towards raising money to benefit Monroe County!
Registration starts at 9 and the Run/Walk starts at 10. Come early!
To pre-register, use the QR code on the flyer or the link below!
The registration fee for participants is required by April 19th to guarantee a shirt in your size the day of the event.
Pre-Registration rates: 6 & up: $35
Day of event: $45
Stroller-aged children (5 and under) are FREE to participate! (No shirts will be provided for these children)
NEW FOR 2024: We will be providing bibs this year with timing chips to track your results!
This event will happen rain or shine. No refunds will be provided.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
Participants the day of the event are also welcome!
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